How To Write A Reflective Essay On Meditation And Contemplation

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Meditation, Contemplation, and Reflection The spiritual practices described in this chapter help us to connect to the silence or stillness with us, which is the innermost core of our being. In Sacred Scripture Jesus tells us that the “Kingdom of Heaven” is within us. This connection to our innermost being enhances our equilibrium at many different levels. Setting aside at least twenty minutes twice each day for reflection, contemplation, and meditation will greatly help bring about the gradual renewal and healing of our body, our mind, our emotions and our spirit. These spiritual practices are an essential component of intentional living because they provide the inner guidance, strength, clarity of mind, and emotional harmony that will allow us to find fulfillment in all areas of our life. Morning and Evening Meditation Our goal during meditation is simply to create a space of a few precious moments in our day when we let go of the past and future and can simply “be” in …show more content…

They often experience doubts, restlessness, and thoughts such as, “Why am I sitting here doing nothing when there are so many other things I need to do?” Perseverance is very important at the onset in order to fuel the momentum, discipline, and motivation to pursue this endeavor. Keeping the back erect, a position that is not as uncomfortable as one might think, helps in dealing with these distractions. As time goes by, those who meditate find that a curved spine is far more uncomfortable. Beginners might use a chair and then switch to sitting on the floor, if they choose to do so, in one of the traditional cross-legged meditation positions as they progress. It is also very beneficial to sit on a firm pillow so that your hips are higher than your knees. Some practitioners find that bolstering their knees with small cushions also

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