Cambodia Is Not A Good Country Essay

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When you think of a great country what do you think of? The United States? China? Now has Cambodia even pooped into your mind of a “great” country. Or have you ever heard of the country Cambodia? Do you even know where Cambodia is? The answer is probably not (unless you are really into geography). You are assured Cambodia is NOT a good country! Even in my opinion, Cambodia is one of the worst countries and I’m going to explain to you why I believe it is! Are you an average student in school? Well, I 'm sure you hear the words from parents or teachers "Take advantage of school" and many people still don’t. Maybe if you looked into Cambodia you with think differently about taking advantage of the schooling you have. In Cambodia, studies show that nearly 80% of students stay at home to help farm with their families. Nearly only half of Cambodia 's population receive 2-3 years of schooling. But why? Wouldn’t you want your kids to have a good education? Well, in Cambodia it’s not really an option. Students don’t stay at home to skip school, they stay at …show more content…

There are many more reasons out there, but the ones listed above are some main ones. Cambodia is not a safe country to live in, there are diseases that go around because of their sanitation problems. When diseases spread they keep going around and in Cambodia the families may not be able to go to a doctor to get medicine for it because they have a hard-enough time trying to live on the money they have and don’t have extra money for a doctor. All in all, Cambodia isn’t a place to live until these conditions change! According to Kate Mcculley, “Cambodia is one of the places that I have long believed all travelers must visit, because it shows you the reality of a country that is still raw from decades of blood, war, genocide, chaos, and death”. I completely agree with Kate because you will see the horrific things that people of Cambodia are put

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