Language Differences In Singapore Essay

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The state's historical narrative of Singapore was constructed to highlight Singapore's struggle for survival and success from the British Colonial Era onwards. The state's narrative of Singapore is presented and taught as national education in schools. In comparison, the history of managing differences narrative depicts internal developments. Differences include race, language, gender, political ideologies and different accounts of Singapore history. Both interpretations do overlap on certain aspects. Successes of Singapore's nation-building history were achieved through managing differences as a way in alleviating the struggles faced. However, certain aspects of the state's narrative are independent of the managing differences narrative where …show more content…

As a multiracial society, language differences were never uncommon. The disadvantages of language differences led to establishment of the four official languages streams (Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English) equally in 1966. Students have had to undergo bilingual education, learning English and their mother tongue. English is used to link ethnic groups and improve communication among Singaporeans. Managing language differences was successful concerning the four widely accepted mainstream languages as depicted in overlapping of narratives. However, Singapore's focus on efficiency resulted in the replacement of English by Singlish. Singlish is used as communications between and within racial groups and is a unique symbol of Singapore culture. Singlish is not only absent in the state's narrative. The government perceives it as a bad habit. Hence, English should instead of Singlish be linked with the unique Singaporean identity. The government implemented "The Speak Good English Movement" campaign in encouraging the use of a more standardised form of British English instead of Singlish. Despite Singlish disadvantages such as Singapore being viewed negatively by foreign countries, the advantages of Singlish do in line with Singapore's multiracial and multicultural goals. This further question what is the real reason behind eradicating Singlish in Singapore even though it could be used to bond Singaporeans. Therefore, managing language differences do not only overlap but also are independent in both

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