Social And Economic Benefits Of Migration To Canada

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Migration refers to the movement of people from their hometown to another place be it within the country or outside; for example, it could be rural-urban migration or migration from Pakistan to Canada. Migration and Work on the whole means the movement of people from their hometown to a new place in search of better opportunities regarding work, so that they can improve their standards of living. Migration can be voluntarily chosen to search for better opportunities, or it may also be forced to escape from negative or dangerous situations. Traditional migration research assumes that migration for work is set off by pull and push factors related to the labour shortages in the secondary segment of the labour markets of the so called “developed countries” (Massey, 1998): the migrant is an individual market-player moved by well-informed rational choices which compare costs and benefits of migration across countries. (Borjas, 1989) It is linked with global politics and global issues including economic growth, poverty and human rights. Migration can have many social and economic benefits but it also presents challenges for the host country and its citizens; sometimes even having an impact on cultural differences. The stakeholders involved in this issue include the affected countries, …show more content…

Consequently, some people migrate to escape cultural/political/religious persecutions or wars, while some do it to protect themselves from natural disasters such as flooding’s and droughts. “The migration dynamic reflects the interplay of push and pull factors, some examples of pull factors being: more jobs and services, better quality of life, low crime levels, better food supplies, better climate and fertile land, less risk of natural hazards, and political

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