People With Disabilities Essay

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INTRODUCTION According to WHO1 around 15 per cent of the world 's population, or estimated 1 billion people, live with disabilities and they are the world 's largest minority. Social exclusion is a multi-dimensional concept. It hampers the fruits of development to trickle down to the weaker sections of the society. Differently-able are one such excluded sections who are often deprived of their basic rights to development. In the medical model, individuals with certain physical, intellectual, psychological and mental conditions (impairment) are regarded as pathologic or abnormal; it is simply the abnormality conditions themselves that are the cause of all restrictions of activities. Due to their such medical condition they are often denied active role in social, economic and political arena. Hence, the paradigm shift to the human rights perspective has significantly being endorsed by the UN in the past two decades. This can be illustrated by United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for People with Disabilities adopted by General Assembly in resolution 48/96 of December 20,19932. Looking at the Indian scenario, then according to the Indian Constitutional provisions the mandate is to ensure equality, freedom, justice and dignity of all individuals without any discrimination and is inclusive of all. Though, government has taken several initiatives for upliftment, empowerment and welfare of persons with disabilities still a lot has to be done to ensure

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