Student Growth Plan Paper

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Fabulous Five The performance of the classroom teacher impacts a child academically. Therefore, professional growth plans support ownership in teacher learning. The five teachers selected have strengths and weaknesses identified through teacher observations and data. The growth plans offer teachers strategies to aid in leading students to academic success. I would recommend two Horn Lake Intermediate School math and science teachers for the directed growth plan. Their names are Ms. Horn and Ms. Lewis. Ms. Horn is a second year teacher and Ms. Lewis is a first year teacher however, Ms. Horn is extremely knowledgeable in her content area. Her growth plan goal is to improve her questioning techniques to engage students in higher level critical thinking and problem solving. …show more content…

I recommend Ms. Robin and Mr. Brown for collaborative growth plans. While this is Ms. Robin’s fourth year as an educator, she possesses skills in organization and leadership. She is on the fifth grade math planning team and works collaboratively with her peers. Ms. Robin’s focus growth objective is identified as classroom management. Discipline and daily classroom control are observed daily. Ms. Robin has made several peer classroom observations and attended a workshop on classroom management. Mr. Brown is a special education teacher who works specifically with special education students with reading disabilities, learning disabilities, Autism, and behavior issues. Mr. Brown has several years of teaching experience working with high school and middle school students. He is committed to student achievement and a problem solver. Also, he knows many alternative solutions and strategies to handling student misbehavior. Mr. Brown’s growth objective is time management. He wants to develop effective ways to decrease the special education’s departmental paperwork and spend more time helping his students in the

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