
The Controversy Of Organ Donation

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Organ donations and transplants is an extremely effective form of saving lives, but many people don’t donate their organs after death. If people donated their organs after they died, they could save countless lives and benefit so many people. Some people don’t realize the effect their organs could have on others or the amount of time recipient patients spend waiting for those organs. Donating one’s organs after death should become a law. Not only is one saving the patient’s life or giving them a second chance at it, but they are also giving the recipient’s family more time with them. Part of the reason that people don’t donate organs is that they feel like one donor will not make much of a difference in the world. They may think that maybe …show more content…

Emory Transplant Center states, “Donor families take some consolation in knowing that some part of their loved one continues to live”. The family feels that their loss was not in vain if the organs were transplanted into a young and deserving person. They could go to bed knowing that their loved one did someone out there some good by donating their heart or their liver or any other vital organ. While donating a loved one’s organs can be a safe haven of goodness, it also is a nightmare. The family may not understand why the donor must continue to stay on life support while the tissues are being removed. Some may even confuse life support with the reality of living because the heart continues to be pumped and the lungs continue to have air pushed in and out of them. It gives the illusion of life in a time of death, and that could be extremely difficult for the family, especially when it’s time to take their loved one off of life support. It is also difficult on the recipient because while the family holds hope for their loved one to recover, especially when there is little brain activity left, the hope of the recipient begins to

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