Kidney Essays

  • The Importance Of Kidney Dialysis

    915 Words  | 4 Pages

    What Is Dialysis? The kidneys are a pair of organs that help prevent the accumulation of salt, water, and wastes in the body. They also help control your blood pressure and regulate various chemicals, such as salt (sodium) and potassium in the blood. When your kidneys are damaged, they may fail to function properly and you may need kidney dialysis to support your health. Read on to learn more about what is dialysis. Part 1: What Is Kidney Dialysis? First of all, what is dialysis? It is a process

  • Essay On Kidney Failure

    744 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kidney failure is a disease when the organ function similar to dark red colored peas this decline. Dear Dr. Dr. SpPD, Endocrine Metabolic Division staff, Department of Pathology In Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital, revealed there are some kidney function. First, as the synthesis of hormones, that regulates blood pressure and stimulation of the production of erythrocytes (eritropoitin). Second, set up bases balance through spending a acidic or alkaline urine. Third, balance water and mineral intake and

  • The Kidney Research Paper

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    The kidney is one of the vital organs for excretion in the human body. Kidneys are paired; reddish, bean-shaped organ located at the back of the abdomen, one on each side of the spine, at the level of the lowest ribs, just above the waist between the peritoneum walls of the abdomen. The right kidney is slightly lower than the left kidney because the liver occupies considerable space on the left side superior to the kidney (Figure: 1.1). Kidneys are situated retroperitoneal in the abdominal cavity

  • Persuasive Essay On Kidney Donation

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    for new kidneys, the most commonly transplanted organ” (Becker and Elías 222). A great deal of individuals were put on the waiting list due to the lack of kidney supply which have resulted from the lack of Kidney donors. Nonetheless, Kidneys are in high demand right now, because they are the bodies’ biggest assets that sustain life. In fact, many individuals are living with deteriorating Kidneys and are constantly wishing for a compatible and healthy match. However, due to the lack of Kidney donors

  • Kidney Transplant Research Paper

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    surgery can be a scary process not only for the child, but as well for the family. For kidney transplant, it is preferred of renal replacement therapy that can offer the opportunity for a relatively normal life. Kidney transplant are available from two sources: a living related donor (any family member) or a deceased donor (family that is dead or from a dead patient consents to donate a healthy kidney). Kidney transplant in pediatric can be hard for parents and the child, especially when it comes

  • Polycystic Kidney Disease Essay

    691 Words  | 3 Pages

    Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder categorized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. Said cysts are filled with fluid and slowly replace most of the mass of the kidneys. This inevitably reduces kidney function and eventually leads to kidney failure. When PKD causes the kidneys to fail, which typically happens after many years, the patient requires dialysis or a kidney transplant. Approximately one-half of the people with the major form of PKD advance to kidney failure,

  • Kidney Disappointment Research Paper

    287 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kidney disappointment What is Kidney disappointment? It is sudden loss of kidney capacity and can influence the whole body. Take quite a while even taints human.  "influence around 3 individuals out of each 10 thousand individuals in the Assembled Expresses every year." As indicated by the insights kidney disappointment is not boundless sickness. Kidney disappointment is a difficult illness and it has a few causes, side effects and medicines. Three of the most widely recognized reasons

  • Kidney Failure Research Paper

    1016 Words  | 5 Pages

    Kidney failure and its scientific solutions Figure 1: ALL ABOUT OUR KIDNEYS, 2015 Kidneys are bean- shaped excretory organs found in the body. There are two of them in the body. They are positioned against the back muscles in the upper abdominal cavity, one on the left and the other on the right. The right kidney is lower than the left one because it needs to accommodate or provide space for the liver. The kidneys remove waste products like excess salts, toxins and urea (a nitrogenous based compound

  • Short Essay On Kidney Stone

    729 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kidney Stones are small pebbles that are made up of salts and minerals in the urine that stick together. They range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. They can either stay in the kidneys or travel out your body through the urinary tract system that makes urine and carries it out of the body. The system includes the kidneys, the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder called the ureter, the bladder, and the urethra, the tube that leads from the bladder out of

  • Kidney Donation Research Paper

    829 Words  | 4 Pages

    Journal 4 Would You Donate a Kidney to Your Aging Parent - Why or Why Not? Kidney donation is a very complex process in such a way that. The impact that it has is not only of a biomedical aspect, where I believe that its primary objective is to prolong the life of a person who is experiencing illness. Rather it comes with social and cultural consequences too. As key issues such as morality, also come into effect. In this essay, I will discuss how the process of kidney has been normalized in a social

  • Kidney Stone Essay

    2002 Words  | 9 Pages

    What is Kidney Stone?   The stone can be formed from a variety of substances, but the most common stone is made of calcium and oxalate crystallized in the urinary tract. Other types of stones include struvite, uric acid, and cystine. Although the stones themselves are painful, they may lead to more severe conditions, such as obstruction of the urethra, permanent damage to the kidney, and even life-threatening infections. I see the patient in the hospital because of the stone block into the necrotic

  • Chronic Kidney Disease

    515 Words  | 3 Pages

    Chronic Kidney Disease is a progressive irreversible loss of kidney function over an extended period of time. It can be due to the presence of kidney damage or decreased glomerular filtration rate (Lewis). Kidney function is regulated though glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR gradually decreases due to nephrons being destroyed. Nephrons left intact are subjected to an increased workload, resulting in hypertrophy and inability to concentrate urine. Typically GFR in chronic kidney disease is less

  • Chronic Kidney Disease Research Paper

    2801 Words  | 12 Pages

    ABSTRACT Chronic kidney disease refers to the kidneys have been damaged by conditions, such as diabetes, glomerulonephritis or high blood pressure. Kidney disease also makes more possible to mature heart and blood vessel disease. These problems may happen gently on long period of time, often without any symptoms. It may eventually lead to kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant to preserve survival time. So the primary detection and treatment can prevent or deferral of these complications

  • Kidney Disease Essay

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    The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located one on each side of the spine in the middle of the back, above your waist. They play important roles in cleaning your blood of waste and excess fluids, maintaining chemical balance in the blood, and helping to regulate your blood pressure. Kidney disease may result in fluid and waste product accumulation in the body, which may lead to kidney failure. This can cause symptoms like body swelling, shortness of breath, weakness and poor sleep. Kidney problems

  • Essay On Chronic Kidney Disease

    914 Words  | 4 Pages

    the Awareness of Chronic Kidney Disease What is Chronic Kidney Disease? Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive loss in kidney function. Every kidney has about a million tiny filters, which are nephrons. At the initial stage, healthy nephrons will take on the extra work when some nephrons are damaged. But if the damage continues, more and more nephrons shut down and even stop filtering blood effectively so that patients’ health will be affected. To be worse, kidney function falls below a certain

  • Summary Of Kidneys For Sale A Reconsideration By Miriam Shulman

    643 Words  | 3 Pages

    Schulman’s essay, “Kidneys for Sale: A Reconsideration,” published on the Markkula Center website in April of 2012 discusses the importance of Kidney Transplants. Schulman is able to accomplish something that is valued in persuasive writing. She is able to express all perspectives on the selling of organs more especially the Kidney. The author gives factual evidence to back up certain claims within the piece. Schulman purpose of this essay is to inform the reader about Kidney transplants and all

  • Kidney Transplantation Research Paper

    2499 Words  | 10 Pages

    Abstract: Kidney Transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with ESRD (end stage renal disease). ESRD is the result of many diseases like Diabetes Mellitus, Glomerulonephritides, Oxalosis, Urological problems, Cystic Kidney diseases (Polycystic Kidney disease, Medullary Cystic Kidney disease) and others. Some Kidney malignancies are also treated by Kidney Transplantation (Wilm’s Tumors in children, Renal Cell Carcinoma in adults) provided the patients remain tumor free for

  • Pros And Cons Of Kidney Transplants

    1183 Words  | 5 Pages

    it is replace by a new organ that in this case can do their functions. What is a kidney transplant? A kidney transplant is done when the kidney of a patient start to go worse and finally it becomes into a big renal disease so there is necessary to be a transplant so the patient continues living and can continue with his life in normal conditions. When was discovered and when it was done for first time? The first kidney transplant surgery was done in 1954 by doctors Joseph Murray and Peter Bent at

  • Summary Of Kidneys For Sale A Reconsideration By Tom Shulman

    930 Words  | 4 Pages

    Some of the common thoughts that are taken into consideration about selling organs are the pricing of the organs, should there be a legalization of the black market selling organs, and is the procedures necessarily safe for the donor. The story, “Kidneys for Sale: A Reconsideration” opinion favors both sides of the argument. Miriam Schulman creates a well-balanced stance on how she feels about the selling of organs. The article was first published in 1988 by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

  • Kidney Stone Research Paper

    1005 Words  | 5 Pages

    Kidney Stone Remedies from Home Kidney Stones are aggregates of crystals made by dissolved minerals in the urine that usually forms inside the bladder or kidney. These stones present in the kidney or bladder causes a lot of pain especially when they pass with the mineral accumulation lodged in the ureter. Symptoms of a kidney stone patient ranges from pain near the kidneys , such as on the back, sides or below rib cage, painful urination, waves of pain that spread through the abdominal region and