Persuasive Essay On Equality Matters

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Equality Matters One of the most vital lacks of law in many countries is acceptance of gay marriage and child adoption. Gay marriage or LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) marriage is that a man to a man or a woman to a woman marrying to each other. Like all of the people who want to marry to someone owing to the fact that they love them or find marring to that person logical. Like all these people, gay people want to do the same too. They want to declare their relationship to the public and they want to get tied to each other in any way. People who prefer to marry believe that marriage makes relationships stronger. There is another reason why people want to marry to each other - it is probably the most important one - people want to get tied …show more content…

They are not accepted to get controlled with their spouses in hospitals because they are gay. Many doctors deny controlling them personally because of their sexual orientations. It is even admitted that some doctors think that homosexuals carry diseases such as HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis because they think that they tend to have sexual relationships which are totally wrong and unsafe. It is totally against human rights and government must immediately stop these discriminations. If gay marriage was legal, they would not face such problems and discriminations, they would get better attitudes from people. Governments do not accept gay marriage because they are afraid of the community’s upcoming acts. Governments have a big mistake in ignoring gay people’s human rights because of religious reasons. Religious ideas of people must not affect the legalization of gay marriage and child adoption. Governments exist to provide equality to all of the people living in their community, ignoring their race, sex, religion and sexual orientation. Governments should be secular and separated from ecclesiastics associations. Gay marriage is not going to affect anyone’s opinions about religions and beliefs therefore governments will protect their characteristics being secular and equal towards everyone by accepting gay marriage

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