
Drug Testing In The Workplace Essay

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Drug testing has become a mandatory task in nearly every workplace, no employer would like to employ personnel with unacceptable habits of drug addiction. Employee drug testing is not about catching employees using drugs, it’s about preventing the use of drugs at the work place in order to maintain a healthy environment. Drug testing is a moral obligation and responsibility to keep the workplace safe for all the employees, customers and other related personnel.
Common reasons employers implement drug testing is to-
• Deter employees from abusing alcohol and drugs
• Prevent hiring individuals who use illegal drugs
• Be able to identify early and appropriately refer employees who have drug and/or alcohol problems
• Provide a safe workplace …show more content…

One of the most prevalent method being Saliva Drug Test. Saliva provides a non-invasive and quick specimen for drug testing. A Saliva Drug Test ranges from detection of alcohol to cannabis, HIV antibodies to steroids. Saliva Drug Test enables a screening in a very short detection time period. They are designed to tell if someone has recently used a drug. There is no need for a specific place or a laboratory for conducting this test as it can be done with a small Saliva Drug …show more content…

Saliva drug test provides you with results in not more than 10minutes of a simple and easy to handle procedure. The days are gone when employers had to wait for few days before employing someone, reason solely being a result of drug test. For a Saliva Drug test one does not require a big lab for testing or heavy equipment, which makes it less cost incurring test as it can be conducted right at the job place. Despite being inexpensive the results of test are extremely accurate. Plus, the test is not only confined to alcohol testing, but also leads to detection of cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, oxycodone and many more. Medical professionals have claimed that SDT is advantageous as it can reveal whether or not you have smoked, snorted or ingested an illegal substance up to 72hours prior to the

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