To The Lighthouse Character Analysis

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Charles Tansley
Finally, Charles Tansley is one of Mr Ramsay´s students who is invited to stay in their house for the summer. As a student of the man who stands as the pillar of patriarchy, he has inherited the values of his professor. Hence, his role in relation to art is no other but that of questioning women´s capacity for producing it. In fact, I would say that one of Virginia Woolf´s purposes in To The Lighthouse revolves around demonstrating that one of the character´s main assertions against women´s abilities “women can´t write, women can´t paint” (Woolf, 130) is completely false and unacceptable.

The clones´ relationship to art in Ishiguro´s novel is outstanding to understand …show more content…

Love becomes something important in their lives and that encourages them to be better people. In fact, this “looking for” becomes something central in their lives. Our protagonists, Kath, Tommy and Ruth also look for their “possibles”- the people out of which they have been created. Students at Hailsham do not have parents, nevertheless they forge relationships that help them define who they are- thus, art helps them to find their identity in a way. In fact, this fact of having no parents is another factor that allows them to demonstrate that they have sentiments and a soul. As Rizq says, the clones have the “capacity to create or invent the ‘possible’ out of need and desire. It is not their artwork that establishes their souls, but their persistent attempts to weave a story about the redeeming power of art and love in their lives” (Rizq, 530). Hence, as was the case with Lily in To The Lighthouse, we find that what is important in order to demonstrate that someone has a soul and is, therefore, human, is the “attempt”. What matters to the clones and to Lily is not the material result of their works, but what they accomplish by producing them, in this case, it gives them the hope that they can live a longer

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