
Turkle's Argument Essay

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Sherry Turkle argues that the dependency on technology in society eliminates the ability to communicate in her essay “the flight of the conversation.” Similarly, Paul Barnwell criticizes societies’ technological dependence but narrows the conversation to the current generation of high school students in his essay, “My Students Don’t Know How to Have a Conversation.” While both authors intend to argue the necessity for making conversation ultimately Turkle better identifies the issue and reaches a wider audience. In incorporating a variety of examples in her essay, Turkle asserts that technological dependency is shaping our world. By depicting “young associates…turn(ing) their desks into cockpits,” with a vast array of mobile devices. Specifically, …show more content…

As Barnwell observes his students flounder in his conversational project, he realizes, “that conversational competence might be the single-most overlooked skill we fail to teach students,” (Par. 5). Through his personal reflection, Barnwell trivializes the issue as more of a lack of skill rather than a deep psychological issue. He is right, there is defiantly a lack of conversational skill in this generation, however, that is more of a symptom than it is the root of the disease. Barnwell’s solution for teachers is to “have a conversation,” with the students “about a challenging topic” (Par. 14). This is a good solution for the problem posed. By asking students challenging questions forces them to develop conversational skill, however that does not fix the feeling of loneliness the student feel that they are satiating with “connection.” Instead of proposing a solution to technological dependence in society as a whole, Barnwell only analyses the symptoms on campus and produces solutions for teachers in dealing with students rather than solutions for society as a whole. Turkle identifies with a wide audience in her essay. Young associates, businessmen, families, sixteen-year-olds, and the elderly are all referenced in Turkle’s essay. The wide variety of examples and anecdotes help relate to a wide audience. The author makes a point of incorporating inclusive diction in her piece as well which also helps strengthen the bond the reader feels with the author. It is much closer and intimate of an exchange that maters specifically to us and here’s why. This style is very effective and draws in a wider

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