Factors Of Turnover Intention

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2.1.2. Turnover Intention Intention or desire is something that is influenced by three basic aspects, behavioral belief, subjective form, and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1991). If these three things are able to make a person to have a desire, then the person will eventually do that behavior. Intention is not the only determinant for someone to do something, the other four determinants are social support, accessibility of information, personal autonomy, and action situation (Karr, 1983 in Notoadmodjo, 2007). According to Takase (2010), the intention to move is a gradual process that is based on psychological, cognitive, and nature behavior. Factors that cause turnover on a person trigger a psychological response in the form of frustration, …show more content…

From the studies by Alfiyah (2013) and Hasanah (2013) in private hospitals in Jakarta, it is shown that there are relationships between individual characteristics such as age, gender, education level, and duration of work in relation and the turnover intention. Related to the driving factor, there was a negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention (Alfiyah 2013, Hasanah 2013). Alfiyah (2013) shows significant associations between satisfaction with compensation, work, career development, and co-workers with turnover intention (p-value <0.05). Similar results were shown by a study conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) by Iman (2015); this study suggests that nurses' turnover intention is significantly influenced by job satisfaction (with t-value-2.15) (Iman, 2015). The attraction factor that relates significantly to the turnover intention is the presence of other job opportunities and the compensation in other hospitals (Hasanah, …show more content…

Making good recruitment, selection, and placement processes. Nursing managers need to make clear descriptions of duties and responsibilities to prevent ambiguous roles and the nurses will not have unmet expectations. The manager needs to arrange a good placement procedure so the nurse is placed according to his ability. In addition, a good orientation program is also needed in order to prepare the nurse with good experience and result in better work planning. 2. Reducing nurses’ workload by lowering the patient's nursing care burden. 3. Improving supervision quality by increasing the number of supervisors with extensive knowledge, ability to motivate, ability to lead the team well. 4. Improving quality of nurse performance evaluation. Performance evaluation should really assess the nurse performance, not being subjective, and assess the skills rather than individual characteristics. Evaluation needs to be conducted by various parties, i.e. from nurses themselves, colleagues, and supervisors. 5. Preventing any case of verbal abuse from health personnels and

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