Video Comparison Essay

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As college students, we have all experienced at least twelve years of schooling. Most of us have primarily been taught one way, through a teacher led classroom. Given the opportunity to take an online class, there are many points to consider. Will the online class be easier than a traditional class? What differences between the two types of learning can I expect? Finally, will the workload be significantly different? These are topics that prospective students would ask. The video should present important information relative to these topics. The title of the video was intriguing in that it implied that there are differences in testing when comparing an online to a traditional class. Testing is a vital component to all courses. We all have experience in …show more content…

These are timed, usually without notes and can have multiple formats. The formats, multiple choice, fill in the blank, true or false and essay are still parts of an online test. The video discusses interesting aspects of test structure and topics that an online learner would be interested in knowing before taking a test online. Points addressed were, “Can I skip a question”, “Is it timed?”, and “How many attempts can I make”? , “Can I save and return at a later date”? “Can I return to a previous section”?. All test takers look for anything they can use for their advantage. Knowing the answers to these questions is certainly an advantage in being successful in taking an online test. Technical issues raise another concern with online classes. Knowing the instructor’s policy regarding technical issues should be clear in the event that a problem is encountered. Some tests are auto-graded which does not allow a student to re-check answers. If you are limited to one test taking opportunity, it is imperative that this information is known before beginning the test. The video was very helpful in discussing this

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