Wound Contraction Lab Report

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WOUND HEALING EVALUATION PARAMETERS : (i) Wound contraction and epithelization time The percentage wound contraction was determined using the following formula : Percentage wound contraction = Healed area x 100 Total area Wound contraction was measured plannimetically using a transparent paper in each four days interval. It was observed the after simple ointment base treatment, % wound contraction reached to maximum in 21days. Mean of epithelization time of polyherbal was found to be leaser (16day) compared to control groups (21 days). TABLE.7.1. Effect of Topical Application leaves of Azadirchta indica , Cassia fistula, Eucalyptus globulus & Bulbs of Allium sativum extract Polyherbal Formulation on Excision …show more content…

 20µl of blood was diluted in 0.4 ml of the diluting fluid in a test tube.  The cover slip was put on the counting chamber and then a small quantity of the diluted blood was put between the cover slip and ruled the platform of the counting chamber.  The chamber was not be overflow and there was not be any air bubble in the chamber.  The solution was allowed to settle for a couple of minutes and then the counting was done under the high power of a microscope.  The WBC count is made in large (1 mm) corner squares of neubauer chamber. The numbers of cells in the 4 corner groups of 16 squares are counted. If the dilution has been 1 to 20 then the total number of cells in millions per mm3 of blood. Calculation: The 1 square has an area of 1 mm2 and is 0.1mm deep, being thus 0.1mm3/0.1µl in volume. Since 4 such squares are counted, a volume of 0.4 mm3/0.4µl has been covered. In order to give the value per mm3, the number of cells counted must be multiplied by 2.5. However, since the dilution is 1 to 20, the multiplication factor is 2.5 x 20. Cells/mm3= No. of cell counted in four square x 2.5 x

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