Firearm Owners Protection Act Essays

  • Persuasive Speech Against Gun Control

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    Ever since the inception of this country 240 years ago, guns have been an integral part of the American identity; a sense of lawlessness, individualism, personal autonomy and freedom. They were the tools that liberated us, and gave us independence over a tyrannical, unrepresentative empire. However, in more recent years, these tools have been used more and more frequently in mass shootings, some of which are occurring at schools, targeting teachers and children. Since the infamous shooting at Columbine

  • Argumentative Essay: Reducing Gun Violence In America

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    The subject of gun control is hotly debated not only by the media and special interest groups but also by law enforcement agencies, and ordinary citizens alike. Some feel that since the Second Amendment was written before the advent of modern firearms that it is outdated. Others believe that it is an inalienable right that must be preserved in order for Americans to remain a free people. The Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right

  • Gun Control Is Bad Essay

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    control. People that are for gun control might argue that it will make the U.S a safer place and the crime rate will decrease. In a study that took place, it showed that the crimes committed with firearms has been steady decreasing since 1998 (Stell 2004). Basically the statistic is saying that crimes with firearms are becoming less likely to happen. Some people may argue that without guns society will be a safer place. In all reality more strict guns laws will not make society a safer place. Take New

  • Safe Relocation Research Paper

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    for the initial couple of months. You ought to get some information about this from the closest Post Office or through their site. The following is a rundown of organizations and people who ought to be told about your turn. Medicinal Doctor Protection operators/organization

  • Explain The Policies And Procedures Relating To The Safeguarding And Sharing Of Information

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    The way in which the school handles information will be covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. Under the strict guidelines of this Act, information is gathered by the school in the context of safeguarding and child protection must be used only for that purpose. If any individuals concerned wish to know the information which is held about them, they have a right to access it, this could be, for example, parents of children in primary school. They are also entitled to see their own educational record

  • 2.1 Explain The Performance Management Cycle Analysis

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    It is a fact that supervisions can protect the position of supervisee through ensuring confidentiality is any serious issues take place. We believe that this can be done from reflecting over best practise and polishing their capabilities. In addition to this, any emerging issue should be recorded and kept safely in files so that any sort of issue is not neglected and fall back on, as they have the record of everything. Learning Outcome 2 2.1 Explain the Performance Management Cycle There are

  • Paral Theory: Lawrence Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory

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    Introduction Kohlberg’s moral development theory has been discussed for a very long time. He used the story-telling technique to illustrate stories involving moral dilemmas. His best known story illustrating moral dilemmas is call the Heinz Dilemma. According to this story Lawrence Kohlberg came up with 3 levels of moral development, with 2 stages in each level. And so the story goes as follow. 
 “Heinz’s wife was dying from a particular type of cancer. Doctors said a new drug might save her. The

  • Effective Communication With Children Essay

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    Effective communication is important in developing relationships with children, young people and adults as it helps us to understand the other person, to form a relationship with trust and to air out any differences that we may have. It also helps us to have a clear understanding of each other. Effective communication will help to make people feel valued and shows that what they have to say is important. Question: Question 2 Answer: The principles of relationship building with children, adults and

  • Explain The Legal Issues Affecting The Dangerous Use Of Business Information

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    are laws and policies that safe guard the customers and employees. Data protection Act 1998 The data protection act let the businesses to have control on the personal information that are used by the organisation, business and governments according to the law. Different organisation stores use business information about different people, everyone responsible for using data have to follow the rules names the data protection principles. They have to be sure that the information given to them are used

  • Persuasive Essay On Immigration In Canada

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    they are in search of a better life for them, and or their family etc. Canada being rated number one in quality of life has been a goal for people wanting to immigrate. The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act ( IRPA) was established by the Canadian government in the year 2002. The objectives of this act can be discussed in 2 topics.. The first topic is to share the benefits of immigration, and support a prosperous economy across all regions

  • Cyp 3.1 Explain How To Adapt Communication

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    Adapting communication for the age of the child helps prevent barriers as younger children need a lot more reassurance and support whereas young people are quite confident but are not sure how to reflect and deal with situations or problems. You could change the language you are using, as younger children don't have such a wide word vocabulary, the 5 year old won't need feedback, they will need encouragement and approval that what they have done is brilliant and you like it. All children of different

  • Unit 3 P3

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    that the company has on any service users, staff or other professionals (private contact numbers or information in client files relating to third party) is confidential information and should not be shared with anyone as it comes under the data protection act. All information regarding any staff member or service user that the company has is confidential information and cannot be shared outside of the company unless consent to share by the individual is provided. The company has many procedures that

  • Chapter Two Components Of Kg1 Classroom

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    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Overview This research is concerned with setting classroom management in the first two weeks of the school year in kg1 class. To be able to decide on the best effective classroom management strategies kg1 teachers should use in order to facilitate effective teaching and learning, important facts will be discussed and different aspects will be considered in this research. This research will be divided into the following chapters. Chapter one is the introduction that consists

  • Recording Storage And Sharing Information In Health And Social Care Essay

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    of information in care settings include the Data Protection Act 2018. This legislation sets out the rules for the processing of personal data, gives individuals the right to access their personal data, and have it corrected or deleted if necessary. It replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 and implements the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which sets out the conditions for processing sensitive personal data. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): This is an EU regulation that sets

  • Explain The Legal Issues Of The Use Of Information

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    P3 The legal issues of the use of information is the data protection act which was introduced in 1988; the act regulates how someone’s personal information is used and when it is used by inviduials. Someone’s personal data can be held in a computer database or manually on paper documents the way this can affect the businesses is that they have to make sure the data is in a protected environment as the items that will happen if they do not do it is. If one fails to inform the person that they’re

  • The Importance Of Special Education

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    Special education is specially designed to satisfy the needs of students who have disabilities which results from having a disability and to help them learn information and skills that other students are learning. This education is also offered to help children with special needs so as their parents. Special education includes special instruction in the classroom, at home, in hospitals, institutions or in other settings. In the United States more than 5 million students ages 6 to 21 receive special

  • Holistic Approach To Assessment

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    2:1 Compare the strengths and limitations of assessments of a range of assessment methods with reference to the needs of individual learners. Workplace Observations, question and answer/professional discussions, projects/assignments, portfolios, witness statements.A good assessor will always take into account their learners needs and what particular subject they are studying for prior to confirming with learner type of assessment method to be used. Workplace observations This can evidence directly

  • Disability Discrimination Case Study

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    Task 1.4 The equal pay act 1970 The objective of EpA was fundamentally to ensure that women receive the same pay as men for the same or broadly similar work. If a woman (or man Wants to claim for pay discrimination, she must ensure that whatever man she compare herself to is in the same employment. Disability discrimination act 1995 The disability discrimination Act 1995 protects employees who are classified as disabled. Anyone with a physical or mental impairment that has long- term effect upon

  • The Independent Commissioners Office (I. C. O)

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    cover Data protection and meet the Care Quality Commission standards. The laws that should be followed are the Data Protection Act 1998, and the Freedom of information act 2000. The Independent Commissioners Office (I.C.O) deals primarily with breaches of information should they occur. Below is a description of the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information act. It is also the duty of employers to ensure that employer’s policies and procedures adequately cover Data protection. Data is any

  • Tda 3.1

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    The most important current legislation and regulation in UK are Childrenâ€TMs Act 2004, Childrenâ€TMs Act 2006 and Lord Lamingâ€TMs report. It means that all professionals and everyone who is care of children and young people must be aware of the legal aspects. It also gives guidelines to schools and agencies how to deal with problems and issues relating to children. Childrenâ€TMs Act 2004 – it was established to offer legal groundwork to the Every Child Matters document for the care and support