The latest trend in providing education is the distance or blended learning. This is typically done with the use of world wide web or internet. Blended learning is a student-centered approach to creating a learning experience whereby the learner interacts with other students, with the instructor, and with content through thoughtful integration of online and face-to-face environments. A well-designed blended learning experience thoughtfully organizes content, support materials, and activities via
Posting Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions about Social Media Posting These FAQs were created to answer some of the most common general questions about company policies relating to blogging. • Does Red Lion have a specific policy governing employee use of social media? • Do I need to clear my posts before making them? • Can I disclose confidential information when posting? • How do I handle personal information? • Can I post about our competitors? • Can I post about my prior employer? • Should
“Is Google Making Us Stupid” that the internet is changing our way of thinking for the worst. In many ways this statement is point of view is purely untrue. For starters,, it makes easy communication across the world simpler. Second, the internet makes access to important info that we would have never known much easier. Lastly, our attention spans are simply not shrinking but were trying to gain much more info quicker than we used too. However, the internet is particularly making us disconnected
Heroism is a very debatable topic in this day and age, I often find myself thinking, what truly does make a hero? I believe that in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Caesar himself displays the most hero-like qualities, above all the other characters. I understand that that seems like a very bold statement to make, so to prove it, I’ll have to answer the question I asked from before, what makes a hero? In my opinion, there are three distinct qualities that make up a true hero. The first is respect, all
The Glory of War One can make a strong argument that The Iliad seems to celebrate war. Characters emerge as worthy or despicable based on their degree of competence and bravery in battle. Paris, for example, doesn’t like to fight, and correspondingly receives the scorn of both his family and his lover. Achilles, on the other hand, wins eternal glory by explicitly rejecting the option of a long, comfortable, uneventful life at home. The text itself seems to support this means of judging character
By ancient Greek music we mean the whole musical culture that includes the ancient Greek history .The word “Music” is produced by the word “Muses”(from the 9 Muses of the arts), at least 5 from the 9 Muses were protecting different music. The three major civilizations that it was known that they first had music in their culture were the Cyclades the Minoans and the Mycenaean. Greeks began to study music theory in the 6th century. Pythagoras one of the most popular man in ancient Greece is known as
Mother Archetype Mothers are seen occasionally as the strangest, craziest, altruistic people that have ever been encountered. However some argue that they are the complete opposite. The basic perception of mothers that they are loving, caring, and very nurturing, and this makes up the mother archetype, not only modern day but records and perceptions that date back to ancient history. Although it has come along way, Mothers play a very important role in modern day theatre, literature, and even stories
Mother Archetype Mothers are seen occasionally as the strangest, craziest, altruistic people who have ever been encountered. However some argue that they are the complete opposite. The basic perception of mothers that they are loving, caring, and very nurturing, and this makes up the mother archetype, not only modern day but records and perceptions that date back to ancient history. Although it has come along way, Mothers play a very important role in modern day theatre, literature, and even stories
The role of women in society for both NOW and Schlafly was defined by the each thought women’s main goal in life was. NOW believed this to be able to ‘develop to their fullest human potential.’ This meant no choosing between motherhood and a potential profession. This also meant that women should not be limited by the expectation that a women must retire to raise their children. They argued for the institution of child-care centers and programs that would help women who chose to temporarily leave
While identity focuses on uniqueness such as how an individual is different from and similar to others, diversity focuses on the range of the difference and uniqueness such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, among others. Diversity should be seen as source of strength. However, it can also be a source of violence, oftentimes by those who fear or dislike difference. In the best light diversity is foundation
down-to-earth web site with a mission of providing a trustworthy, efficient, relatively non-commercial place for people to find all the basics in their local area. The site offers local community classifieds and forums free to individuals. It handles more than 5 million classified ads and 1 million forums postings each month in 175 local craigslist sites throughout the US and 34 countries worldwide [Source: craigslist, August 2005] Craigslist as a business entity gained popularity in numerous ways that will
individuals use the internet and electronic communication to transmit harassment and hostile messages. Not only does the anonymity setting that most social media’s offer encourage relentless online hate, but it makes it easier for the sender to dehumanize the recipient. These days, it is hard to find an online outlet that does not have multiple poignant posts or blatantly abusive commentary. With cyber bullying being so difficult to avoid during any given experience on the internet or social media apps
The millennial generation is often criticized for being the laziest generation, one that never does anything. This generation is often looked down upon as a disappointment, but it has shown that it is more than capable of achieving great accomplishments. Through social media platforms, the young people of today have created movements and have educated many people around the world. This generation has learnt to be politically correct. This generation had learnt to be aware of the struggles people
The internet has many positive impacts on our daily lives. One major positive impact is society. Internet became a platform where people from different communities connect to share their knowledge, ideas, and desires. Clive Thompson, a Canadian science and technology writer, assures that by ‘’In fact, the online world offers kids remarkable opportunities to become literate and creative because young people can now publish ideas not just to their friends, but to the world’’ (Clive 107). Furthermore
Ever since the Internet was introduced to the world in the late 1960’s, the World Wide Web is becoming more advanced, popular and some how becoming apart of our daily routine. We go to the Internet to go on social networks, check and pay our bills online and to check our emails and so fourth. The Internet is helping people to connect and embrace people both good and bad. In today’s society, the World Wide Web has spread around the world and developing many forms of mediated-communication through
Web Server: A web server is where it stores all the websites that are within the internet. The purpose of a web server is to deliver the web pages from the server and sends you the information of a website that you have requested. It provides the web pages you see on your internet browser. The web server works via getting data and information received from a browser that has asked for a page, it than will be processed through the server looking for what’ve requested and sends back the information
Crystal Howell K. Squires English 101 22 January 2017 Data Saturation: Compare and Contrast The world today is everchanging always coming out with new technology and information. Information in today’s society is available on many social forums such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, also you can access information on our devices like our laptops, cell phones, and tablets. So many different ways to have our information gleaned is changing the way we process this vast data is apparently changing
representative of ugly, dirty, and crafty that was born in Ragnarok and came from the hell. In the real life, trolling is the behavior that someone who posts the inflammatory and provocation comments on the Internet. Such behavior just like the trolls, they hide behind the computer screens and disrupt the Internet order. The trolling comments can be harmful to netizens and social. However, sometimes the trolling can be helpful to the life, it can awaken the sleeping world in their special way. Therefore, I
online social environment. Both phrases are frequently interchanged and are often combined with the concept of a ’netizen’ which itself is a contraction of the words internet and citizen and refers to both a person who uses the internet to participate in society, and an individual who has accepted the responsibility of using the internet in productive and socially responsible ways. So, we are going to explain three rules of netiquette. 1-Respect people's privacy. Depending on your knowledge in
and Forums Newsgroups is basically a method to post recent messages to other internet users globally, the newsgroups are divided into sections such as games, food, clothes etc. These will all be in the same newsgroup but divided into their own sections. News groups are message boards which are usually commonly open to the public which means that advertising using both forums and newsgroup will gain you a lot of viewers even if nobody reads the advert they will still remember the name. Forums are