Unidentified flying object Essays

  • Argumentative Essay On Aliens

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    Earth?” Is this talking about UFOs? (Graves 12) To begin, this paper is on UFOs, the appearances of extraterrestrial spacecraft, and the criteria to be one. Why extraterrestrial rockets are perceived to be undeniably real, legitimate, things. Why Flying saucers are perceived to be not tangible, or legitimate things. Finally, why the media glamorizes UFOs. UFO’s will forever be a controversy because of media glamorization, and popularization of it. The believers will always feel strongly about it

  • Argumentative Essay About Ufos

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    Project Blue Book. This program investigated 12,618 UFO sightings and 701 of those cases still remain unidentified. The government has not allowed the knowledge of extraterrestrial life to be known to the public, but they are out there. This is

  • Crash Near Roswell Research Paper

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    Crash Near Roswell For many years, people have said that they have seen Unidentified flying objects, otherwise known as UFOs. From random farmers, to the military, to even a president of the United States, Jimmy Carter. There are famous sightings where the investigations have lasted years and months on trying to figure out if the sighting was in fact, true or not. Although there are images of these sightings, they are criticized to be nothing more than a blurred image or the work of Photoshop. The

  • Argumentative Essay About Aliens

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    govern. UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) have been spotted all around the globe by thousands of people. A UFO can be defined as “an unexplained moving object observed in the sky, especially one assumed by some observers to be of extraterrestrial origin” (dictionary.com). The typical version of a UFO that has been present throughout history in many eyewitness cases and in many photographs that are said to be real evidence of extraterrestrial visitations, is a metallic, disc-shaped object with several

  • Informative Essay: The Invention Of Space Aliens

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    aluminum a space alien invention. The discovery of this old, metal chunk dates back to communist Romania in 1973. Yet, remained a secret until. Now, that secret is under investigation. Space alien aluminum made of 12 different metals While this strange object is 90 percent aluminum, testing reveals that it;s made of 12 metals. Furthermore Romanian officials at it back to being 250,000 years old. The thing is, metallic aluminum like this was not produced by mankind until around 200 years ago. Since 200

  • Muscarello Incident

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    lights, he threw himself in a ditch until the lights began to move back into the woods. After he saw the strange UFO, Muscarello was able to get in contact with police. One of the officers who went to investigate the incident also reported seeing a flying object that looked unfamiliar to him. Muscarello and the officer weren’t the only ones who saw something strange that night; reports came in about a UFO from all over the area. As you might have guessed, official word from the Air Force was that it was

  • Argumentative Essay On Aliens Are Real

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    have seen and taken pictures and put it on line and make stories about them so people can see them. My first fact is, NASA found tons of alien activity in space on one of the planets. My reason and evidence is a man named Scott found a UFO flying in the air. So he got is technology equipment and he used it and found alien activity near the UFO. Many people try to find, see, and get proof of alien and UFO activity. Also people try very hard to find proof and when they do they tell other people

  • Persuasive Essay On Alien Abductions

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    Alien abductions are discussed as fakes, or insane people babbling. Many people don’t believe they are real. However, a small population believes they are real. People have been abducted quite a few times, but no one believes a word they say about it. “Aliens, something belonging or relating to another person or place” (Alien). “Alien abductions are said to take place involving men, women, and children regardless of age, culture, or religious backgrounds” (Estep Intro). When people get abducted,

  • Haunted House Research Paper

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    Haunted Rooms of Battery Carriage House Charleston has a haunted house that is teeming with entities. The Battery Carriage Inn is a place where you can stay overnight and wake up to a ghost sitting beside you. As unbelievable as it sounds, many people have vouched for the existence of entities and strange happenings. In fact, it has been mentioned in many lists of haunted places and visitors and investigators have endless strange and chilling stories to share. Today, the main mansion is a private

  • The Roswell Incident: Ufo Encounters In History

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    precedent for all UFO sightings in the future to live up too. This encounter is known as the “The Roswell Incident.” The Roswell incident deals with the U.S government, much deception, deceived Nevada citizens, and one thing for certain a crashed object from the sky. Although some would disagree, the Roswell Incident was the result of the government covering up extraterrestrial activity. To begin with, the most

  • 1984 Essay On Santa Language

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    All through history, us humans have created so many different things, for instance, wheel, phones, planes, bracelets... But some things that were created by the mankind are more unusual, like fairy tales, ghost stories, Santa Claus... Things that seem to have no practical use. They aren’t real, just a figment of someone’s imagination, yet they have a huge place in our lives. However, they are not like what they seem to be. Let’s examine Santa Claus, a jolly old man who brings presents to nice children

  • Argumentative Essay On Area 51

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    Have you ever heard of Area 51? Supposably where the aliens that roam this earth have been spotted. Aliens or unknown objects/creatures have been spotted, maybe even staying close to you or your home. This site is private property so you can't go onto the property without cops being called or involved which is a little sketchy. Based on multiple websites, links, even live news reporters there is something sketchy about area 51. Acknowledgement doesn't mean that a visit to the base is advisable. Radford

  • Conspiracy Theories On Area 51

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    base. At this time, there isn’t really any argument as to why Area 51 is so secretive, so that directly points to the government hiding something big. Plus, it has to be known that the UFOs seen flying near Area 51 are indeed alien related because it has been noted that some of the flying saucers were flying at heights higher than any plane that was currently at the base. It’s also proven that there are multiple real stories told from not only civilians but Area 51 workers that have claimed seeing

  • Essay On Why Do Aliens Exist

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    Another interesting thing are the real Men in Black, the prove is based on the testimony of more than 10 people that were present when this happened. In 2005 a man named Shane and a friend of him were shopping and they saw a triangular shaped object flying above the mall roof so they went back to the hotel and call the police, they didn’t listen to them so they called the UFO investigators, which could do anything. But two weeks later Shane and his friend were eating and when they got back to

  • Db Cooper Conspiracy Theory

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    So what might have happened the day D.B. Cooper stepped out of that plane? Mysteries are hard to conclude, as there are many different conspiracy theories supporting what might have happened. D.B. Cooper is known for hijacking and using false identities. Cooper is also known to be really mischievous and to stay hidden easily. Unfortunately, investigators have insufficient evidence to demonstrate how this all went downhill. The two main theories that determine the fate of D.B. Cooper are the fact

  • Roswell Unknown Myth

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    will be very difficult for anybody to uncover the actual truth therefore Aliens, flying saucers, and such still remains a mystery as to existing. One morning, in the summer of 1947 somewhere around independence holiday near Roswell, New Mexico a farmer named Mac Brazel woke up and went to tend his herd of sheep. When reaching the herd he found a strange, unknown, and unusual object in his flock of sheep. The object contained a mixture of numerous materials. The materials looked like tape, metal

  • Are Aliens Really Real Research Paper

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    it was made. Many people believe that this object in Mars was a face. And a sign of life on mars! Although it sounds absurd they do have a right to believe that. The face was captured in 1976. So quality isn’t that great. But that isn’t why people think it isn’t a alien. At the time the photo was captured, there was a lot of clouds do to the season. This makes people believe that the alien tracks were covered. The test says “... If there were objects on the ground

  • Roswell Conspiracy Theory

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    This has the government interested in what they claimed. A married couple by the names Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot claimed they had seen what looked like a flying disk. It was a Wednesday night, the couple was sitting on the porch they said about 10 pm, when they saw a glowing object zoom through the sky. “Wilmot said that it appeared to him to be about 1,500 feet high and going fast. He estimated between 400 and 500 miles per hour” (Roswell Daily Record page 1). Loretta

  • Roswell Incident Research Paper

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    found something unusual, a crashed object that some described as “metallic sticks held together with tape; chunks of plastic and foil reflectors; and scraps of a heavy, glossy, paper-like material.” (Roswell). Confused on what to do Brazel immediately contacted the sheriff department who then contacted the Roswell Army Air Force Base (RAAFB) located not far from the crash site. On July 8th the local newspaper reported the incident, saying “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region”.

  • Ancient Alien Theory

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    “Thirty-six percent of Americans, about 80 million people, believe UFOs exist, and a tenth believe they have spotted one, a new National Geographic poll shows (Harish).” It is believed by many researchers throughout the world that Earth has been visited by ancient aliens, this theory is explained in the televised program, Ancient Aliens. Evidence to support other theories explained in this program can be found through the course of history in many civilizations. Such evidence includes three possible