Role Model In The Workplace

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1. What makes a good role model and how can I ensure that I act as a role model for employees I supervise?
A good role model is a person who can be respected, admired and expected in some ways by others within the organisation. Role modelling is influenced in the workplace in terms of communication, performance and organizational behaviour. A good role model is able to gain credibility and team cohesion, they can also expect the subordinates to work with them closely. To ensure that I act as a positive role model within the workplace I will need to make sure that I follow the organisation’s policies and procedures which will then encourage my subordinates to do the same. Every company owner expects that their staff reach the office and start work on time and not late to work. In order to be a good role model, I have to be punctual to work and be there before time or on time so that the subordinates can learn from a positive role model. By being at work on time there is no need to rush around to organize the daily important tasks alone as you are able to brief the staff about meetings, …show more content…

It is expected that some days at work can be challenging or stressful when meeting deadlines or working on a budget, however you should always have positive attitude when it comes to building a successful team and it is important that you stay optimistic and encourage in even the most difficult circumstances. Following the organization’s guidelines will help to ensure that you are on track and doing tasks that you need to do as your position and not anyone else’s. If you don’t understand the job that is given to you, make sure that you ask and clarify the instructions given or ask them to simplify the instructions. Keeping a schedule can also help as it will show you how close you are to the deadline and can potentially keep you ahead of schedule

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