Customer Satisfaction Survey Analysis

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Customer Satisfaction Survey
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

Customer Satisfaction Survey
In today’s world patients are able to rate hospitals, care teams, and doctors just as easily as they rate restaurants or products on Amazon. There are various customer survey techniques that are used to determine customer satisfaction levels. Health care providers now have an opportunity to do predictive modeling based on data collected from customers who use their services (Costa, 2014). The healthcare industry needs to use the information to improve the clinical health they provide to patients and also know their opinions and preferences. This will result in better overall experience and assist in engaging patients …show more content…

Any customer satisfaction survey should have the following six parts: Who should be interviewed? How should the interview be carried out? What should be measured? What do the measurements mean? How should satisfaction be measured? And How to use a customer satisfaction survey to greatest effect? (Oliver, 2014). Furthermore, the survey should touch on all aspects of the institution. For instance, the developed survey shown in appendix A considers customers’ satisfaction with services of the organization as well as their satisfaction with how workers of the institution interact with them. From the information collected using this survey, the marketing team will change aspects service provision that most customers are unhappy with and also enhance what customers love about the …show more content…

L. (2014). Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. Routledge.

Appendix A
Customer Satisfaction Survey
I am going to ask you some questions concerning how satisfied you are with the services we give you.
The answers you should give are Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neither Dissatisfied or Satisfied, Satisfied, and Very Satisfied. You can also say if you actually don’t know.
1. How satisfied are you with how often you are provided with services?
2. How satisfied are you with the duration of the service visits?
3. How satisfied were you with the day(s) of the week you were provided with the service?
4. How satisfied are you with the time you were provided with the service?
5. How satisfied were you with the quality of services you were provided?
6. How satisfied were you with the skills and knowledge of the workers who helped you?
7. How satisfied were you with how our workers treated you?
8. Were you satisfied with the time the workers arrived to serve you?
9. How satisfied are you with how our workers communicated with you?
10. Overall did our services meet your needs?
11. Do our services help improve your quality of

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