
Horse Show Diversity

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As the participants started to arrive the diversity was clear. There ages ranged from toddler to old- timers. Their levels of experience fluctuated between little ones that needed be led to seasoned competitors, including past rodeo queens and bronc riders. Another unique feature of this horse show is that there is no age, race, gender or disability exclusion. One of the riders is not able to walk without the assistance of canes but there is no limitations of her ability once she is on her horse.

Before the show starts they assigned different tasks to each club member and any other adult volunteers willing to help. Several people are needed before the show to get the riders signed up and assure that they are entered into the correct age group and to take money. The entrance into a …show more content…

The Posse runs the cook shack during the show. They serve burgers and hotdogs, chili, nachos, coffee, hot chocolate, and other snacks for riders and spectators. There are tables and chairs set up for people to eat or just get out of the sun and wind. In using this building there is indoor bathrooms instead of Port a Potties. The Posse also help with the parking of trucks and trailers. The spectators have a separate area to park away from the horses and trailers.

The diversity is not just in the riders, but in the horses as well. There are different breeds, colors, ages and temperaments in them as well. If a horse bites or kicks the rider ties a red ribbon in its tale as a warning to others. Horses range in size from Draft size to Shetland pony size. There are Quarter horses, Arabian, Appaloosas, and also a Mule. Some horses have been trained by professionals, and others are in training with the rider.

In the event of an emergency or accident an ambulance is staged near the arena. One of the riders got overheated being out in the sun and they administered assistance to her. Once she recovered, she was able to ride

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