How Does Technology Affect Our Creativity?

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Technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. The history of technology began in 1980’s when methods as simple as stone tools are used in engineering and information. Since then technology had been spreading even more wide until nowadays we can see various type of technology being used in many fields including studies. Technology had played its own important role in our life. For instance our smartphones and notebooks that have been used almost every time in our every day schedule. The main purpose of technology is actually to help decreasing the burden on our shoulder in completing our tasks, but since technology had undergo big improvements it had brought us negative effects. Those negative effects will not …show more content…

It will not affect our daily life’ I cannot deny that technology is great and they do have their own pros and cons. But let me tell you something, research had shown that many people’s health is being affected by technology because they are constantly using technology like addiction towards it which increases their depression and stress rate. Feel save enough? Not only that, our independence on technology had affected our creativity. Let’s focus our scope on teenagers these days, compared themselves to those who were raised without technology being their best friend. Teenagers these days are said to be not proactive and innovative enough to contribute something to their country. Why? Well, because their ranges of thinking are not wide enough to beat those intelligent people in the Europe. Their brains are focused only on the screen and what they want to see in the internet, hence, they read less and know less about the current issues. These kids are not creative enough because they cannot cope with the changes that happened in life. There is a quote said that “the more you study, the more you know how less you know” Imran

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