Benefits Of Thematic Learning

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The formation of the students’ progress records was done by the assessment of learning process. Based on the interview assessment tools used in this thematic learning could be a test and non-test. The assessment was done to observe the achievement of the basic competencies assigned and the indicators of each subject on the given theme. The assessment was no longer based on the theme, but it has been separated to the basic competencies, the learning outcomes, and the indicators of the subjects.
Based on the observation, the teachers used project, worksheet, practice, and action. The content of the paper test is essay includes the open theme activities, core activities, and closing activity, which is the student, can make a description about …show more content…

Daily, midterm, and a final exam practice so that an assessment can be carried out thoroughly.

4.5 Benefits of Thematic Learning
All participants understood that thematic learning would make for better connection and interesting discussion about the content for their students. They said that their student would be able to understand how all subjects are connected. Thematic learning provides consistency and better understanding. They had believed students learn better through thematic learning and be able to make connections to life and the world. No one believed that thematic learning would not work and that thematic learning would be good for everyone involved.
Teachers who participated in this research believed thematic learning makes learning more effective in the way that makes all materials on subjects relevant to students. Each subject supports other subjects and raises a better understanding of meaningful connections and understanding how things can relate to each other cohesively.
The statement from the participant 4 and …show more content…

There seemed to have been worried about the challenges involved in creating thematic learning. These concerns were compelling, but an effective teacher should be able to make the transition from single-subject learning to thematic learning based on the benefits of their students.

4.6 Challenges of Thematic Learning
According to the teacher’s interview, thematic learning planning may take more time. Most the teachers thought that the extra time is completely worth it when they see that the students are making the important life connections and give them a deeper understanding of the relevant benefits. It comes down to whether teachers want to spend the extra time planning to give their student the necessary connections across the curriculum.
Participant 6 said:
The challenges of thematic learning need a teacher creativity and the teacher should be prepared everything that can be used in the learning process. Sometimes teacher was felt difficult because they do not understand how to deliver the materials through thematic learning. The school lack of facilities so teachers could not handle the learning

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