Climate Change In Thailand Essay

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Climate change
From times to times, the climate seems to be changed and unpredictable. It shows us a big sign of climate which is considered to be external factor in which we cannot control. However, the agricultural sector in Thailand need to give an attention to the matter as it plays a big role for fruit industry as well. The threat can cause big lose to the farming and fruit plantation. The first thing you should concern is we are dealing with the phenomenon El Niño. In Thailand has been affected by the El Niño years of 1982-2000 and the second time was in 2010 during the hot and dry weather throughout Thailand. Until the beginning of the rainy season, there is no rain. And in 2015 we were faced with the unexpected cold. However, natural …show more content…

In the case from ………….., it is pointed out that El Nino problem occurred heavily in south part of Thailand. It is affected to Thai plants and crops, also fruits. The volume of its production had declined due to the climate change. It has a high possibility to Thailand that EL NINO and LANINA natural disaster will occur more frequently. From a fertile rainy season and flood, the climate will change into a serious drought. In Songkla province, Thailand, it is found that the natural disaster occurred is somehow nearly close to the event occurred in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia. Another problem that will occur is that the climate change will effect on fruit production. As the climate turned to be dry to drought, the fruit cultivation will get effected. The change in climate will create problems to agricultures in long term. For instance, Langsat, rambutan and mangos teen, the harvesting season shift from March-April to July-August , to the end of the year which makes the cultivation remained

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