
Compare And Contrast Ottoman And Safavids

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Ottoman Empire/ Safavid Empire
Trends that both the Ottomans and the Safavids had during this time period was dealing with decentralization and recentralization. Both of these empires had to deal with the decline or rise of the tax revenues from the countryside. Another trend that both the Ottoman and Safavid empire had was the process of centralizing the military and administrative reforms (Chapter 25, in Patterns of World History, Vol. 2, p. 775). One cause that contributed to the rise of the Ottoman Empire was during the year1500 to 1700 when the Ottomans were the dominant political power in the Middle East and North Africa (Chapter 25, in Patterns of World History, Vol. 2, p. 762). During this time period, the Ottomans were flanked by two lesser realms which were the Persia in the east and the …show more content…

2, p. 765). Since the Russians adapted themselves before the Ottoman to a new Western European military tactic, they were more prepared to fight than the ottoman were. Another reason that led to their decline was when the Ottoman began to face the Western Modernity, which was a hard adaptation for them and caused them several territorial losses (Chapter 25, in Patterns of World History, Vol. 2, p. 765-766). This adaptation involved China, Japan and the increasing military, as well as political and economic strength of the west. The Ottoman Empire was humiliated throughout this process. The third event that contributed to their decline was when the military slaves they had employed from Northern Caucasus to work as auxiliaries in the military seized power (Chapter 25, in Patterns of World History, Vol. 2, p. 766). During this event, Muhammad ibn exploited Ottoman decentralization to ally himself with a powerful family who was in command of a number of

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