Compare And Contrast The Empire And The Maurya Empire

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The Maurya and Gupta Empire
Have you ever wondered if religion was connected to culture? Religion is connected to culture. It is connected in so many ways. It is connected in the Maurya empire when Asoka turned into a Buddhist. It was also connected in the Gupta empire when they started expanding literature and developed the decimal system. It was highly connected in both empires started to promote peace and prosperity.
Asoka into a Buddhist First, Asoka was the emperor of Maurya from 268 B.C. until he died around 238 B.C. He was in initially a warrior. He fought in a long bloody war until more than 100,000 people were said to be slaughtered which changed him. Based on what I read, “He converted to Buddhism, rejected violence, and resolved to rule by moral example.” This had a major impact on the culture. They stopped eating meat and limited animal sacrifices because a true Buddhist has respect for all life. Pillars were placed around the empire so they could remember there would always be a just government and it showed them the laws.
Expanding literature and developing the decimal system …show more content…

The Gupta people contrived the Arabic numerals. They also orchestrated the decimal system. The decimal system is the system of numbers based on 10. This also helped them event what we know as the compass. In the Sanskrit language is how they collected fables and folk tales. There were lots of writers. For instance, based on the book, “The greatest Gupta poet and playwright was Kalidasa. His most famous play, Shakuntala tells the story of a king who marries the lovely orphan Shakuntala. Under an evil spell, the king forgets his bride. After many plot twists, he finally recovers his memory and is reunited with her.” This shows that great writers have been around

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