Sustainable Consumption: A Demand Side Pathway To Sustainable Development

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Sustainable Consumption: A Demand Side Pathway to Sustainable Development

Abstract: Sustainable Development is a widely accepted approach to sustain economic growth without harming the planet or exhausting its resources while improving the quality of life for its current and future inhabitants. . Promoting sustainable consumption and production are important aspects of sustainable development. The term ‘sustainable consumption’ denotes the search for consumption patterns that reduce human pressure on the environment. It is not only about how much is consumed, but also about what is consumed, how it is consumed and who consumes. Consumers, businesses and governments are the major stakeholders in promoting sustainable consumption. Individual choices are constrained by a variety of social, institutional, and cultural factors. Consumers often find themselves ‘locked in’ to unsustainable consumption. Government intervention is vital to facilitate change. Increasingly sophisticated approaches are being used by governments to target policies to consumer groups based on better understanding of social and economic behaviour. The complexity and array of government tools and initiatives directed at sustainable consumption underline the need for more integrated programmes as well …show more content…

. Promoting sustainable consumption and production are important aspects of sustainable development. Most of the government policies framed for launch the economy into a sustainable path of development possess a supply side approach that focus on reducing the environmental impacts of unsustainable industrial production practices, through regulations and taxes and other control mechanisms. Promoting sustainable consumption is equally important to limit negative environmental and social externalities as well as to provide market for sustainable

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