
Critical Thinking Case Study

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Discussion Forum Post Week 7 Univ. 1001 Job postings often state that the successful applicant must have "superior critical thinking and problem solving skills." Employers tell college administrators that graduates, both from undergraduate and graduate programs, often lack these skills. 1. Having read this week's assigned materials, and having a clear understanding of what is meant by "critical thinking," why are employers making these comments? Response There are many versions of how Critical thinking is defined and haven read them, I wish to define Critical thinking as the act of critically drilling down to the actual supporting evidence to why a thought or belief is held and consummated in action or stance. I believe employers seek “superior …show more content…

Tim van Gelder, in his answering the same question said Critical thinking is hard to do and requires a deliberate effort to engage at and even at that, it takes years of practicing and continuous dedication to get good at it. (Van Gelder,T. 2004). Therefore, we should not expect undergrads or graduates whose course focus are rather on grasping concepts, theories, exercises and many reviews of materials to in the midst of these, to engage in Critical thinking(CT). 3. Critical thinking, is a high cognetive skill that needs to be learned by practice like playing chess or Tennis and most times when it is taught in Higher institutions, it is taught as a concept for students to grasp once, while hoping they can develop the practice on their own. van Gelder, advised that Teachers should go further to engage students in procedures to confront problems on a continuous basis to help students develop such skills. 4. Knowledge Transfer. Undergrads or graduates most times act as Computer’s hardware where Information and knowledge is transferred and stored and retrieved when needed. But CT is going further to the application of this stored up information to multi task and produce varying outcomes, outputs, drawing up conclusions that are desirous, impactful and reproducible in solving problems in the …show more content…

While the copilot looks up to the Lead pilot for guidance, approval, experience and supervision, the lead pilot leans on the copilot for support and fresh ideas. That is why critical thinking and the best of it, is sort for by employers when the engage graduates. 2. Are they justified? Most employers, to a large extent are justified, because while the work place is constantly evolving, our educational systems, particularly the Universities being fiddle points have remained less responsive (routine) to the ever changing needs of employers and the work place. Critical researches and projects that many Corporations, Organizations and Governments agencies would like to embark upon require “superior critical thinkers” to get the job done. Most of these researches could be in health interventions, security and counter terrorism operations, basic transportation and distribution networks etc. There is no better time for employers to ask for these groups of individuals other than now. References Van Gelder,T.( 2004) “Teaching Critical thinking: Lessons from cognitive

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