Dialogue Essay: The Mandatory Job

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The sun yawned indolently as he woke up from his drowse, the hissing grim fire around him matching his dreadful mood. Unfortunately, as it was summer, waking up early had become a mandatory job. Impish and immature, the legendary magician discharged his frustration on the hapless people below him by casually hurling heat waves at them. He grinned at his handiwork, satisfied that it had lifted his spirits. Below the blazing, burning ball of fire, the aggravated football fans were bunched up blandly outside the stadium in a ragged cluster. The match was unexpectedly postponed an hour ago and they had been loitering on the scorching furnace since then. Many fans were completely drenched in sweat and they dripped ceaselessly, carving out tiny rivers in the gaps of the searing cobbles. Taking advantage of the chance, the foul aroma of sweat quickly …show more content…

Several men, focused on the exhilarating match, suddenly caught scent of a foul smell, and cast several disapproving glances at the drunken people sprawled on their seats, accusing them of the mess they had made. Sighing in vexation, they stood erect, searching for other empty seats, desperate to evade the city dump. Just when they were about to leave, a tumultuous cheer brought them to a halt. On the opposite side, hordes of fans in blue were standing in ovation and screaming, the delight evident on their faces. The four men stood uncertainly at first; unable to comprehend, then it struck home to them. Their star team had rewarded their fans with the finest present; an astonishing goal shot from forty …show more content…

The fans in red shook their head in repugnance, unable to retain their scornful expressions from consuming them. The reds, shoulders sagged, dragged themselves out of the arena, devastated and bruised, leaving the blues to their

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