Digital Technology

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The Digital World has become a topic of relevance in Asia and the Pacific, the contrast that exists between the use of the Internet between developed countries in broadband and countries not developed in it. Although it is generating changes in this region on the economy, the Internet only gets to be favored in certain countries, an example of this is while the Republic of Korea 99% of its population occupies the Internet, in other countries the service is less than 10% ,Therefore, at a conference on "Digital Technology in Asia and the Pacific in the XXI century" Project "Made in Asia consumed in the West", in which digital innovation is involved as an empowerment of the peoples in a contribution to digital development. There are 3 aspects that are expected to be …show more content…

in the idea that we are focused is to help technology to low-income institutions, granting computers to schools in Asia and the Pacific is one of the main objectives.
3- Creation of applications of academic benefit whose main objective is to reduce illiteracy, in this the student can find help for any academic problem, also make programs where students can make assessments on the improvement that there is from the use of media
NGO support is essential; there are several organizations that support the construction of new schools like "Build on". With education you would find a balance in the use of the Internet, it would also be beneficial for all young people who do not have easy access to it.

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