Essay On Appropriate Parenting

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Over your lifetime you are bound to hear the phrase. “it takes a village”. Many idioms such as this pass pieces of parenting advice from one family to another. However, merely mentioning these things that guide people does not help when it comes to what to follow and who to be. Parenting: an uphill climb, for most parents. There are so many greater aspects of childhood because children are people I’m going to have to narrow down my argument. Firstly, let’s establish the parameters of appropriate behavior, this highly depends on whether or not you believe in certain things and grew up in certain areas. Many different cultures have come up with what they think constitutes appropriateness but for now I will establish “appropriate” as a functioning human being who does not physically or emotionally harm others and does their …show more content…

Firstly, children should be taught with compassion. One of the major reasons why people on the earth find themselves in reprehensible situations can be contributed to the lack of compassion too see things from others perspectives. However, this becomes a difficult thing to inhabit and teach, regardless there have been methods with this principle developed. For example, The Reggio Emilia method of teaching, which came out shortly after World War II. This method was invented by Italian school teacher Lorris Malaguzzi and depends heavily on the involvement in the children’s emotional well-being in order to teach them compassion for others and challenge them to follow high moral values. A quote directly from Lorris Malaguzzi that most accurately captures the essence of what this method strives to accomplish “In the Reggio Emilia’s preschools each child should be viewed as infinitely capable, creative, and intelligent. The job of the teacher should be to support these qualities and to challenge students in appropriate ways”. Giving each child a higher moral expectation will

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