Essay About Ramlah

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Ramlah was born in Malaysia in 1939. During her childhood she lived through a major historical event - Malaysia gained its independence in 1957 from Great Britain. Malaysia’s first Prime minister was Tunku Abdul Rahman in 1957. This is principle 3 - the historical event that happened in her life. Ramlah graduated from high school at the age of 18. As she was growing up, she went to a Malay school at the age of 7 which she attended for 3 years. She remembers a very strict teacher that she was afraid of because, he would hit students when he lost his temper. She was always alone - she ate lunches alone, and did not have any friends. At 10 years old, she got herself into an English School, but even though the standard of teaching was of better quality, her first year she was unhappy as …show more content…

She also sold tickets in a cinema in her spare time, and taught dance lessons (latin american music). Her father was against Ramlah working within the mental health profession, and eventually she stopped being a student nurse in a mental hospital, and moved to the General Hospital. She met her English boyfriend and they were engaged until his first girlfriend became pregnant, and they broke up. She gave up nursing. Ramlah was heart broken. She met Ernest an Englishman while she was a receptionist in an English firm. They met when she was 22 years old and had their first child, Julia in Trinidad and Tobago when she was 24. They travelled as Ernest was a paint chemist, and was sent to different countries to set up factories and train people. Ramlah set up dance troupes and performed in Trinidad, and Malaysia. She gave dance classes, and became famous as a teacher and a performer. She separated from her husband in Malaysia, while her husband went to Denmark. Her life trajectories showed through her life that she was creative, and musical. She was on time socially as she had a lot of

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