Essay About Snoring

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In order to lead a successful life good health is necessary. A healthy and peaceful mind is able to perform better in life. For a healthy body and active mind a good night’s sleep is required and a number of factors play an important role in order to achieve that goal. These factors include a calm and peaceful environment, sleeping position, snore less sleep and several other factors.

A healthy and comfortable sleeping position must be adopted so that your body is able to get complete relaxation and your sleep is not interrupted or disturbed due to any such factor. People who are able to get enough sleep at night are able to wake up with a contended and active state of mind and are able to be productive at work. The pillow and mattress must also be chosen in such a manner that it does not …show more content…

Snoring can cause a number of other health issues and it must be cured by following a number of tips and medicines without any delay.

Causes and symptoms of snoring
The common causes of snoring include the following:

With the passage of time when a person reaches middle age the throat is narrowed and muscles of the throat also become less toned due to which snoring can occur.
High quantity of fatty acids in body is also a very common cause of snoring which is due to the poor toning of muscles in obese people. Regular exercise and maintain a healthy body mass index can prevent snoring.
Some people have naturally narrow throats which becomes a vital cause for snoring. According to studies conducted by medical specialists men have usually narrower throats as compared to women and the percentage of men who snore is double as compared to women.
Sinus can also be a cause of snoring as in this condition the airways are blocked partially and inhaling is difficult.
Frequent consumption of alcohol and smoking can also be a major cause of

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