Essay On Active Ageing

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The topic of healthy active ageing is becoming more prevalent as the average age of the population is increasing rapidly. The World Health Organisation (2015) states that between 2015 and 2050 the global percentage of those over the age of sixty will nearly double from 12% to 22%, which will come to a total of 2billion people over the age of sixty by 2050. Therefore, the issue of mobility and exercise to aid healthy ageing is very relevant.
The second goal in the National Positive Ageing Strategy (2013) is to ‘Support people as they age to maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental health and wellbeing’ this demonstrates the importance of social supports for the older adult which includes both physical and mental health support, this in turn can affect the older person’s independence and quality of life. Healthy active ageing is a multi-dimensional concept which is unique to the individual based on existing disease and socio-economic circumstances (Touhy 2012). The main goal of healthy active ageing is that older adults are supported to be as independent as possible and happy and healthy throughout their lives. The three main aspects of healthy active ageing are physical health and …show more content…

Mobility is vital for healthy active ageing and is closely linked to health status and quality of life (Webber et al 2010). Exercise is an important element in the life of an older adult and can be beneficial to the individual’s health and wellbeing this includes maintenance of physical function. Physical activity can improve health outcomes in adults with chronic illnesses. Thirty minutes of moderate-intensity physical exercise is recommended five times a week (Touhy 2012). Exercise and staying active can maintain or increase flexibility and balance which in turn will reduce the risk of falls for the older adult(Granacher & Hortobágyi

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