Essay On Being A Volunteer

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Being a volunteer is putting a smile on most people 's faces, volunteering is generally considered as an altruistic activity and is intended to promote goodness and improve human quality of life. In return, this activity can produce a feeling of self-worth and respect. There is no financial gain involved for the individual her/himself. A volunteer is someone who chooses to act in recognition of a need, with an attitude of social responsibility and without concern for monetary profit. Not everything done by volunteers is labeled as school, it might be called service learning, community service or an internship. In professional society, it may be referred to as pro bono. In the streets, it is called neighborliness. At church, it …show more content…

For example, there 's hiwa hospital in sulaimani, focusing on kids section who are taking the chemo therapy and stay for a long period of time at the hospital, a group of volunteers work there according to their free time while counting myself one of them. These volunteers are spending their time by playing with the kids, reading them stories, teaching lessons, making them birthdays, and by taking them to outside-hospital trips and so on.

"Anything can be accomplished as long as you don 't care who gets the credit."
In conclusion, Volunteering is an act of Humanity where activities are carried out without expecting anything in return. Volunteering might be named differently by groups but the main aim of all is to help. The beginning of the Volunteering career started off when violence against women took its lead in our society."Centeri Runak biri w Ragayandni Jnan" has played a great role in my Volunteering career towards women protection and defense. In my opinion the greatest achievement is helping others towards having a better life, so Volunteering has given me that

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