Parental Involvement In Education Essay

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In most children, often than not, home and its immediate surroundings are the first environments being experience throughout in their early years (Iltus, 2006). Children spend majority of their time being at home in which it has been shown that can greatly influence the general development progress of a child. From their early years, young children’s emergent literacy and later school progress is greatly affected by their environment. It is widely recognized that to attain the full potential and abilities of a pupil, extensive support from the parents must come in, thus, it’s now the interaction of parental involvement.
It has always been viewed that the preschool development of a child needs a crucial involvement of parents. Parental involvement is defined as the participation of parents in every aspect of children’s education and development, identifying …show more content…

It is established that quality education is not only attributed to good school’s programs but also parent’s participation. In order to encourage learning in children’s mind, school and home activities are playing important factors. Both school and home must be interdependent. The effect of parental involvement in education varies generally. Parent’s involvement has a better outcome on children’s academic performances and these outcomes may take into account of various factors such as social status employment status, educational background of parents, multiple children and income structure which may be significantly affect student’s academic achievement. In conclusion teacher factors and parent factors are playing important responsibility in helping the child to attain high academic performance. Overlapping activities seem to be helpful in helping the child achieves high academic performance. Thus, negligence of parent to involve in the education of their children will hinder the academic performance of their children, Abun

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