How To Reduce Stress To Improve Health

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We all know that stress is unavoidable. However, Americans are often saddled with more stress than they can handle. If left unchecked, a high level of stress can cause both emotional and physical problems. So it's important for people to manage the amount of stress in their lives. But here's something people may not know: there is a correlation between reduced stress and improved health.

Stress and Physical Health

To see the negative effects of unmanaged stress, we must first examine the physical effect of stress on the body. When stress is encountered, the small region of the brain called the hypothalamus is stimulated. The hypothalamus sends out certain chemicals and hormones that prepare the body for combat or escape. Adrenaline is released to elevate heart …show more content…

One of the most basic ways is to combat the physical response to stress by taking appropriate countermeasures. For instance, engaging in breathing exercises helps the body pull back from its preprogrammed "fight-or-flight" response. Slow and steady breathing lowers blood pressure and relaxes the parts of the body that are being stimulated as part of a normal reaction to stress.

Another technique is to list all of the stressors in one's life and then address the most serious ones immediately. This may mean confronting a disruptive coworker, leaving for work earlier to keep from frantically rushing around in the morning, or eliminating some social events in a busy week so as not to feel overwhelmed. Even if the stressor cannot be eliminated, a person's stress level will often shrink simply by addressing a problem that has been lingering for a long period of time. And of course, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including exercising, eating right, and getting enough sleep, will keep the body strong and sound so that it can be better prepared when stress does

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