
Feedback Evaluation

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Student Classification and Developmental Aspects of Feedback
The power of feedback is substantial in the development of student’s learning and accomplishments. Following a meta-analysis of over 500 studies, involving roughly 20 million students, it was found that assessment feedback had more of an influence on a student’s success in comparison to socioeconomic status (SES) and former cognitive skills (Hattie, 1999). SES and prior cognitive abilities are both recognized for being strong indicators of performance (Sirin, 2005). Feedback can be defined as any form of information given that expands one’s knowledge. This knowledge affords information that will allot students to achieve at a higher level than originally possible, or the opportunity …show more content…

Despite its perceived value, the quality of feedback received continues to be an issue for students. Since the initiation of the UK National Student Survey in 2005, feedback has had an ongoing standing for receiving the lowest satisfaction scores as of 2015. When compared to other pairs of questions on the NSS surveys, students appear to show more dissatisfaction towards feedback (HEFCE, 2012). Weaver (2006) conducted a study on undergraduate students majoring in business or art and design. Findings revealed that though students valued feedback, there’s room for improvement in the helpfulness of remarks. Additionally, four reoccurring disadvantageous comments were recognized. This includes comments that are ill-defined, in need of direction, focused solely on inferior components, and/or had no reference to assessment criteria. Various Improvement seems to be needed to ameliorate student’s perception of …show more content…

University students involved in a study led by Sinclair and Cleland (2006) revealed that less than half of the scholars bothered to collect their assessment feedback. The results suggest that students are indifferent towards feedback, but research shows other variables discussed below play a role in the lack of engagement seen. Categorical and/or judgmental responses and lack of timeliness or guidance for improvements needed are major problems students face when dealing with feedback (Ferguson, 2011; Weaver, 2006; Housnsell, McCune, Hounsell, and Litjens, 2008). When these dissatisfying issues continue students can become frustrated or disinterested, which in turn can lead to a decrease in motivation to collect feedback. Additionally, when students expected grade doesn’t align with the actual grade received, students may feel there is no need to check feedback (Wojtas, 1998). Subsequently, leading to scholars disposing feedback devoid of acknowledgement. Pitt and Norton (2017) used semi-structured interviews to tap into students thought processes and analyze responses when reviewing old feedback comments students had. This approach allowed students to truly reflect on their past assignments and it became apparent that students decipher their own summative feedback prior to receiving the instructors. Dependent on whether the two assessments align,

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