Life: A Brief Analysis Of Sigmund Freud's Life

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Freud’s Life In 1985, Freud was born in Moravia in Frieberg. When he turned 4 years, he moved with his family to Vienna. He stayed there till the end of his life. In 1938, Austra was invaded by the Nazis and since Freud was Jewish, he was allowed to leave to England. Freud’s interests and training had a very wide scope. Freud considered himself a scientist whose goal was to expand human’s knowledge. For this reason, in 1873, he went to the medical school at the University of Vienna. His domain of interests were biology, and psychological research for six straight years, under the provision of the German scientist Ernst Brücke who was director of the Physiology Laboratory at the University, and thereafter specializing in neurology. Freud spent more than a year in Paris where he was impressed by the French neurologist Jean Charcot, who used hypnotism to cure abnormal mental conditions. Freud decided to implement a method adopted from his colleague Josef Breuer, where he asked his patients to talk about their …show more content…

Instincts were the main motivating power found in the human mind energizing all of its functions. There are too many instincts which are categorized into two parts: Eros and Thanatos. Eros covered all instincts related to erotic and self-preserving instincts, and Thanatos covered all instincts related to self-destruction and cruelty. Since Thanatos is the group of instincts which are not sexual, it was a mistake for Freud to assume that all actions of human beings originate from sexual motivations, since Thanatos instincts are not sexual. On the contrary, Thanatos is the desire to terminate all sexual energy in the human self. We cannot deny the fact that Freud shed light on the significance of the sexual drives as the main reason behind human actions and behavior. However, it has to be noted that Freud’s definition of sexuality was expanded to cover all forms of pleasure that can be derived from the

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