Argument In Favor Of Suicide Prevention

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Imagine a grenade killing many people, something no one would ever want to happen. The grenade murdering a significant amount of family members. Destroying not only what they love, but what they ever had. A grenade detonates when no one knows and when no one wants it to, except for the detonator themselves, this can be compared to a member of a community committing suicide. Suicide prevention is an option everyone should look forward to, and be aware of. Bob Haxton agreed, “There should be way more of it. More efforts should be put towards learning students and their personalities, and watching their reaction towards talking to other people about this subject” (2017). It can be tough to see through a suicidal individual, which is why we must take care of one another. Although many people believe it may cost a lot of money, everyone should put more efforts towards suicide prevention because it will better society itself, create a healthier environment, and most importantly save many lives. It’s hard to know if someone is suicidal, or is in a serious situation. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, on average, there are “121 suicides per day,” …show more content…

Prevention can not only grow a community, but extend to a higher number of lives saved. Picture the grenade tearing a family apart from each other, losing not only their members, but themselves. If a child were to commit suicide after being bullied for many years, the parents may feel as if they have lost themselves in the catastrophe. Suicide will affect the family and the community, causing the society to bitter and shrink. Beneficially, prevention can stop this from happening. To thwart a member of a society from commitment will bring the lives of many to a halting state of relief and cheerful delight. Preventing this situation from happening will keep relationships from ending, and a healthier environment to live

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