Importance Of ICT

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Now a day ICT is very important for primary grades. In primary syllabus all the subjects are integrated to ICT. So the ICT has been developed very rapidly nowadays. Therefore, in order to balance it, the whole educational system should be transformed and ICT should be integrated into educational activities. However the influence of ICT, especially internet (open source tool) cannot be ignored in our student‘s lives. So, the learning activities should be reoriented and reformulated, from the physical source centered to the open source ones. Also ICT is important to contrivance the principle of life-long learning / education, to proliferation a variety of educational services and medium / method, to promote equal chances to obtain education and information, To develop a system of collecting and distributing educational information, To promote technology literacy of all citizens, especially for students, To develop distance education with national promote the culture of learning at school (development of learning skills, expansion of optional education, open source of education, etc.) and To promote the culture of learning at school (development of learning skills, development of optional education, open source of education, (Meenakshi, 2013)
Basically, it’s a central tool that maintenances teaching and learning at all stages of education and across all parts of the curriculum. As well as it can also help to improve reaching levels, inspire creative thinking and

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