Importance Of Second Language Learning

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No longer the importance of foreign language in the collection of knowledge to keep pace with the progress need to emphasize, but rather, noted that it is the only means of communication between nations and civilizations, and the ideal way to expand the perceptions and experiences of the individual follow-up research and novel discoveries. So, learning foreign or a second language is strongly demanding task. In academic setting, it is discernible that learners who are very successful in learning a foreign language , it is due to their strong steadiness, persistence and hard work inside and outside the classroom. Otherwise, it is not the same case for other learners, who are considered as underachievers in their learning a second …show more content…

They are considered as unfavourable sensations that prevent the learners’ efficient processing of the language input.The second language learner ; in the majority of circumstances, may face such barriers and they can earnestly inhibit the learners’ learning and performance in any second language class. Many studies were conducted by many researchers and have stressed the importance of understanding affective factors in second language learning .So, they are of an utmost importance and this is why, there were attempts that would reduce their influence and create a comfortable learning atmosphere and let the learners feel less stressed, more confident and take an active part in the learning process.
Section I : The factor of …show more content…

They define it as : the sensation of fear or even scare. They added that, anxious learners have dilemmas in concentration, forget a lot and suffer from perspiring and throb. In the same regard ; this view is supported by other researchers who considers students’ psychological experience of foreign language learning to be more important than language proficiency levels (e.g. Spieldmann & Radnofsky, 2001). Indeed, the consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) may extend beyond the classroom to the point that those who pursue the study of a foreign language until graduation may actually never use the language again as a result of high levels of FLA (Dewaele, 2007). -Another conceptualization is given to language anxiety ; the definition proposed by Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope and which is the most commonly accepted definition of FLA. They conceptulise it as a unique type of anxiety specific to foreign language learning, by presenting this defintion

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