Social Media In Our Daily Life Essay

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Social Media is essential to my daily life. To illustrate its significance, before I prepare my coffee in the morning, I open up my Facebook page to see what 's new. This is one of the reasons that some individuals in America have become Neo-Luddite, because the effects of having access to the internets, especially social media, can completely alter your life. Surely, there are people that have a more sophisticated lifestyles or dependency of social media interactivity than me. Based on the article from online, the statistics of usage from popular social media listed from greatest to least will be discussed by me. My online social activity with these mediums listed from most popular to least is Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Aforementioned, Facebook leads the pack in my daily life in regards to the social networks available in 2018. In the beginning, I used Facebook to keep in contact with friends and family. Now, the Facebook interface has integrated different types of data from game, news feeds, picture taking. With …show more content…

Also, my behaviors have taken action in participating in sports and activities that requires physical activity to potentially reach a healthy goal. Based on the YouTube video "Health and Physical Fitness," it illustrates and explains how being physically fit reduces probability of depression, helps sleeping patterns, become stronger, and less likely to get injured. (Health and Physical Fitness) Knowing better grants and influences me to do better, so this YouTube video helps a great deal.
These models are difficult to separate, so I will be integrating them and explaining the impacts and influences that Health Behavior Model(HBM), and The Transtheoretical Model(TTM) have on individuals. Topics like Alcoholism, can be evaluated by these two models in great

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