Reflection On Learning And Development

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October 6: Standard 1: Learner Development The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences Today Mr. Demeny switched Kay’s math and literacy blocks. Her literacy time block was directly after lunch. Mr. Demeny noticed that after lunch Kay had a much harder time concentrating, and since literacy is more difficult for her than math, she has become extremely upset while trying to get through books that were even below her reading level. We switched the times. Literacy this morning was great! We …show more content…

I was right. EBD is not for me. Brett invited me to join his class today for social skills. It was a much appreciated invitation. I want to experience as much as I can in the short time I am here and EBD is one area I would like to look into, mainly because I’ve simply never done it. Brett’s room is K-5, his youngest however, is in 1st grade. I’ve meet some of the kids throughout the days and by popping in over lunch and other times, but today was eye opening. First, I realized my size. There are two 5th grade boys that tower over me, easily 8-10 inches taller than me. Brett is a big man, and I think that is an advantage with some of these kiddos. A couple of the students are very easily triggered and a few love to push the right buttons to set others off. A lot of the students in this class spend time in the “Think Tank” and a few spend the entire day in the EBD room. They have a token system going in there and this can also easily anger some of the kids. I loved spending time with them. I loved hearing how they thought through certain “social situations” but in all honesty I don’t think I’ll be looking to teach EBD. I don’t want to sound wimping or even unkind, but some of the behaviors scare me. The unpredictability takes a special kind of teacher, and I don’t think I am

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