Late Bedtimes

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There are two readings which both focuses on the impacts bought by sleeping. For the first reading, it talks about some negative adverse impacts bought by late bedtimes. There are lots of researches sited in the articles showing that there are researches done to prove that late bedtimes are closely linked with health problem for examples, it brings depression and anxiety, higher emotional instability suicidality, increasing intake of alcohol and nicotine at greater amount. The article aims at filling the knowledge gap which examines whether late bed times can be the predictor of the risk behaviors and negative health problems for adolescents or not. The research is trying to show the linkage between late bedtimes and health problem and …show more content…

Chronotype can be divided into two types, the MT and the ET. The MT individuals perform the best in the morning hours while the ET individuals perform better in the evening hours. Different researches has suggested that insufficient sleep and poor sleeping quality will negatively influence our performance. Chronotype affects individual’s sleeping quality and time, hence, the academic performance in university. MT students are found to perform better as they get used to wake up in the morning. Secondly, conscientiousness is reported to impose positive effect on academic performance as individuals are more motivated to perform better. Conscientiousness are reported to be related to morningness. This study hypothesized that academic achievement will be affected by chronotype, motivation, personality and sleeping length and quality. It aims at proving the linkage between academic performance and the above variables and investigate how the academic performances change with the above variables. There are three methods carried out in this study. The morning-eveningness questionnaire, Pittsburgh sleep quality index, and adjective based personality test, cumulative grade point average are used to estimate the the chronotype, sleeping quality, personality, and academic performances of the students respectively. The results suggest that there is relationship between CGPA and the variables and MT students perform better than ET students. MT students tends to have higher degree of consciousness, neurotics, that they are more self-motivated and self-disciplined, hence perform better academically. Although it does not suggest that there is a clear relationship between sleeping quality and academic performance, it is suggested the most of the lectures are held in the morning that ET student may not be able to perform

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