Online Reading Strategies

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The findings of this study suggest a number of pedagogical implications, especially in ESL settings.

O’Malley and Chamot (1990) stated that since metacognitive strategies are important for regulating other strategies, teaching students how to use these strategies should become a main purpose in the reading classroom. The teachers should take into account the students’ reading ability and challenges when reading in online environment so the teachers can be able to integrate effective reading strategy instruction for the students to implement when they read academic texts on the Internet. Here are a number of suggestions for teachers who plan to integrate effective reading strategy instruction for online reading.

It is highly recommended …show more content…

Cohen (1998) stated that metacognitive strategies which lead to effective reading and improved performance are divided into pre-reading (planning) strategies, while-reading (monitoring) strategies, and post-reading (evaluating) strategies. Therefore, in a lesson, teachers can expose students to pre-reading strategies, follow by while-reading and then post reading strategies. For example, teachers can start by teaching the students on how to scan and guess the gist of a text, and once students decide which reading material they want to read, teachers can teach them on how to use typographical features like bold faces and italics to identify key information in the next stage. Teachers should begin with some metacognitive reading strategies that are easy for students to implement in order to inspire their confidence and build a greater sense of achievement. Any strategies that are too difficult for students to understand and apply in reading tasks should be taken into consideration and teachers should give them more training and time so they can use that particular skills when they read online …show more content…

The students should also be taught on how to evaluate the reliability of online resources and to distinguish between facts and opinions in the online texts. Teachers should teach the students on how to examine the bias, relevancy and accuracy of the online information. This is essential for academic reading since there are abundant of online materials that are not suitable for academic purposes. Although these sophisticated evaluation skills need practice and experience, but with effective reading instruction from teachers, the students will be able to develop these skills and use it when reading academic texts on the Internet. For example, teachers can have students work individually or in groups to discuss some traits of reliable websites that they find on the Internet and report it to the class. Then, teachers can explain why students need these skills for academic reading on the

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