Awareness Of Organ Donation

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Background: In India, concept and awareness of organ donation is still new for many. There is enormous shortage of organs in India and that is due to lack of awareness among general population. Keeping this in mind, we have conducted present study to assess perceptions of undergraduate students’ towards organ donation. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among randomly selected 112 students of aged 18 years and above in Sumandeep Vidyapeeth campus, Vadodara, Gujarat who were willing to participate in survey after obtaining their informed written consent. The students were subjected to a pretested and validated questionnaire (Likert type scale) for organ donation. Responses given by the students were assessed and analyzed …show more content…

Conversely, with 70 per cent of India's 1.4 lakh accident victims diagnosed as brain dead annually, the country has 80,000 potential organ donors which remain unutilized. Yet, organs from only about 120 are retrieved, making the percentage of cadaver donations a dismal 0.08 per million of the population, according to MOHAN Foundation. On the other hand, in most developed countries, the cadaveric conversion is approximately 25% to 30%. This results in 90% of all organs for transplants coming from brain-dead donors [6]. The greatest impediment to organ donation is the refusal of family consent [7]. Organ donation rates could be increased by enhancing the quality of hospital care and ensuring that the request for donation is handled in a way that meets the families' informational and emotional needs …show more content…

Statistical methods: Frequency and median score of each question. Ethical issue: Study dealt with only perceptions of participants and there was no ethical issue involved as the identity of participants was not disclosed. Likely outcomes/ benefits: Such type of study had not been conducted in Sumandeep Vidyapeeth campus before so it was unique in its nature. Participants were exposed to various questions pertaining to organ donation which was very helpful to know the trend for organ donation. Results Total 112 were subjected to questionnaire regarding organ donation. Out of 112 participants, only 100 were considered for analysis and remaining 12 were neglected because they had not responded completely or had given multiple responses. Frequency and median score of responses was as per Table – 1. Table – 1: Frequency and median score of responses. Sr. No Question Frequency of responses (%) Median score DA NS A 1 I am aware of the concept of organ donation. 11 28 61 3 2 Organ donation is of use the needy individual and the society as a whole. 8 39 53 3 3 Organ donation can be done easily after death 42 43 15 2 4 I am aware of the rules and legislation about organ donation 58 39 3

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