
Catherine Ryan Hyde's Pay It Forward

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The Book that I read was a drama called Pay It Forward. The author who wrote this piece is named Catherine Ryan Hyde. Catherine Ryan Hyde has a family of a dog named Ella, a cat named Jordan, and a horse named soul. Hyde also loves to hike, travel and connect with her readers through her books that she has written, and the pictures and videos that she taken of her travels.

The book takes place in the 1990’s in a city called Atascadero in California. Pay It Forward is about a child named Trevor that received a project to help the community and it is about how it helped and how large of a community service it became. There are two main plots in the story. The more focused one is Trevor and his Pay It Forward idea and it’s success. The other …show more content…

He invented a community service system and called it Pay It Forward. His plan consisted of a (theoretically infinite) chain of good deeds throughout society. His plan started with one person doing a favor for another, and then that person does a favor for 3 other people, and then those 3 people each do a favor for 3 other people. Because they are in the 1990’s, cell phones were very uncommon and sometimes unheard of for communication. This circumstance affected the characters of the story negatively, because, for a lack of cell phone use, communication was a lot slower. The other plot about the love of Eugene and Arlene fluctuates. This is because Arlene fell back in love with her alcoholic husband, who said he had changed his ways. When she realized that he had not, she felt bad for Eugene and wanted to be back together. This happened when Trevor ran away after being abused by his mother and, together, Arlene and Eugene searched for him and soon fell back in …show more content…

The story was also very informing and insightful on the power of a child to change the world. It also showed how small ideas can make a large difference for the better of the community or even the world. I enjoyed reading the book because of the drama between Eugene and Arlene as well as the fact that it inspired different ideas of my own to change the world. Yes, because the more people who are informed of the book, the better, because this will generate more and different ideas from different people who were influenced by the book to change the world for the

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