
Peregrine's Home For Buried Children Movie Vs Book

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We’ve all read a really good book and then watched the movie and thought, what the heck this wasn’t like the book at all. That’s exactly how it was for the movie Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Although they were both very good the book Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children was better than the movie.
When Jacob is at work he gets a phone call from his grandpa, Abe, he’s looking for the key to his gun cabinet that Jacob has hidden so his grandpa doesn’t hurt himself or anyone else. Once Jacob arrives at his grandpa’s house he discovers his grandpa isn’t home and all the doors and windows are open. Jacob and his friend begin to search for his grandfather. After searching Jacob finds his grandpa laying in the woods behind his …show more content…

For example in the book when Jacob wants to look for the house the peculiar children lived in, his father, Franklin Portman, goes with him to explore for the bombed house. As Jacob discovers more information about the peculiar children he begins to avoid talking to his father, he lies to him about where he is and who he is with. In the movie Franklin doesn’t seem to connect with Jacob as well as he does in the book. When Jacob tells his father some things he has encountered Franklin tells him to call his therapist, Doctor Golan. On the island they’re on there is only one phone, it’s a pay phone, and Jacob doesn’t like using it because it’s in the middle of the bar/hotel he and his father are staying at. Since all the children have their own unique peculiarities, Jacob being able to see hollowgasts, Olive who levitates and must wear steel boots to hold her down, Emma who has to wear gloves at all times otherwise she will throw fire from her hands, and Millard who is invisible. They all come together to form a family. There are many different children with their own peculiarities, the movie seems to follow the book except for one difference. In the movie Olive has the power to manipulate fire, where Emma can levitate. With that being said in the movie they change most of the scenes with Emma and Olive using their

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