
Personal Narrative: My Experiences In Softball

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My Experiences in Softball Crack! That was the sound echoing off my bat. Down the baseline I went running, turning first base looking to see where the ball was. Sliding into second base, I was safe. I stood up and heard the roar of the crowd. I had just knocked in two RBI (run batted in). From the chalked-up dirt to the fresh cut grass, a softball field is always a place I love to be. No matter where I am in life I can always rely on softball to make me feel better. I started this physical activity in 5th grade. I found out that I love the sport and was exceptional at it. Over the years I’ve gotten stronger, faster, and overall better at softball. Four years into it and I have some great and some painful stories. I’ve learned many things about softball, but one that has stuck out to me and that also applies to life is that it can be fun. However, sometimes things happen and people have got to just keep pushing through it. My third year of softball my team was very proficient, strong, and confident. When it came time to go to our first tournament, we were unquestionably excited. We knew we were going to do excellent because our team was undefeated, and with our confidence, we could do anything we wanted. Sunday, the second day of the tournament, would determine who would win the championship. We hadn’t …show more content…

In the first game of the tournament I was playing left. A girl was up to bat and popped the ball up to me. I caught it and threw it to 2nd and got that girl out too. Throughout that year I recorded more double plays, and almost all of them were in the same style as the initial one. I feel very admirable when I make a good defensive play to help the team win. There is a saying in softball it’s that “however hard you work in practice is what is shown on game day”. When game day comes I know I’ll do just dandy if I did fine in

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